Chinabond Index Overview
In July, Chinabond Index went up generally. ChinaBond New Composite Net Price Index decreased from 97.84 to 97.79 by 0.05% and ChinaBond New Composite Total Return Index increased from 172.82 to 173.38 by 0.32% over the month.
ChinaBond Index-Total Value-Total Return Performance
ChinaBond Green Series Index Overview
ChinaBond China Green Bond Index Monthly Review
ChinaBond China Green Bond Select Index Monthly Review
ChinaBond China Climate-Aligned Bond Index Monthly Review
ChinaBond CIB Green Bond Index Monthly Review
ChinaBond Index Monthly News and Bulletion
Application of ChinaBond Indices
As of the end of Jul. 2017, 36 bond funds (including offshore markets) take bond indices as their benchmarks for performance comparison. And 12 bond funds take ChinaBond Indices as their benchmarks for performance comparison. Besides, one ETN product tracked ChinaBond Index, one wealth management products tracked ChinaBond Index. The details are shown below:
By the end of the 2nd quarter of 2017, 2828 funds used bond indices as their benchmarks and 1458 funds take ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 51.56% of all funds.The quantity of bond funds which used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks were 742, which account for 76.65% of all 968 bond funds.6
The total AUM of funds using bond indices as their benchmarks was about 3.25 trillion RMB and and 59.25% of these funds used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 1.92 trillion RMB in AUM. The total AUM of bond funds using bond indices as their benchmarks was 1.47 trillion RMB and 82.31% used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 1.21 trillion RMB in AUM.
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